Monthly Archives: October 2013

What’s Your QQ*? #344

*Quotation Quotient

  (Published October 27, 2013 in the Monterey County Herald.)

1. “On Halloween, the parents sent their kids out looking like me.”

A. Rodney Dangerfield

B. Freddy Krueger

C. John Foster Dulles

2. “I don’t care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.”

A. Harpo Marx

B. Groucho Marx

C. Warren Buffett

3. “Water, water, every where,/ And all the boards did shrink;/

Water, water, every where,/ Nor any drop to drink.”

A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

B. Tom Hanks

C. Edgar Allan Poe

4. “If our American way of life fails the child, it fails us all. ”

A. Carrie White

B. Pearl S. Buck

C. Honus Wagner

5. “The greatest monarch on the proudest throne is obliged to sit upon his own arse.”

A. Prince Charles

B. Mark Twain

C. Benjamin Franklin

6. “If a man sits down to think, he is immediately asked if has a headache.”

A. Auguste Rodin

B. Ralph Waldo Emerson

C. Plato

7. “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course other may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

A. Aaron Burr

B. Bea Arthur

C. Patrick Henry

8. “There is a time to take counsel of your fears, and there is a time to never listen to any fear.”

A. George S. Patton

B. Snooki

C. Alexander Hamilton

9. “They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country. But in modern war there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.”

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. John McCain

C. Jonathan Livingston Seagull

10. “A house is never still in darkness to those who listen intently; there is a whispering in distant chambers, an unearthly hand presses the snib of the window, the latch rises.  Ghosts were created when the first man awoke in the night. “

A. Lesley Stahl

B. J.M. Barrie

C. Boris Karloff


Answers: 1-A, 2-B , 3-A , 4-B , 5-C , 6-B , 7-C , 8-A , 9-A , 10-B

Scoring:               10–QQQQ = Quote-Master   

(number correct)        8-9–QQQ = Scholar                       

                                   6-7–QQ = Literate

                                  4-5–Q = Semi-Literate

                                 0-3–No Q = Quote-Dunce


 “Nothing on Earth so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night.” – Steve Almond

 (Almond, 1966- , is an American short story writer and essayist.)


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What’s Your QQ*? #343

*Quotation Quotient

  (Published October 20, 2013 in the Monterey County Herald.)

1. “The beaches are clean where once they festered with fish guts and flies. The canneries which once put up a sickening stench are gone, their places filled with restaurants, antique shops and the like. They fish for tourists now, not pilchards, and that species they are not likely to wipe out.”

A. Clint Eastwood

B. John Steinbeck

C. Robert Louis Stevenson

2. “He was a self-made man who owed his lack of success to nobody.”

A. Drew Barrymore

B. Christopher Columbus

C. Joseph Heller

3. “Health is the state about which medicine has nothing to say.”

A. W.H. Auden

B. Kim Kardashian

C. Henry Cabot Lodge

4. “Power is always gradually stealing away from the many to the few, because the few are more vigilant and consistent; it still contracts to a smaller number, till in time it centers in a single person.”

A. Lyndon Johnson

B. Samuel Johnson

C. Magic Johnson

5. “The paradox of courage is that a man must be a little careless of his life even in order to keep it.”

A. Gilbert K. Chesterton

B. Evel Knievel

C. Rube Goldberg

6. “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

A. Harry S. Truman

B. Wolfgang Puck

C. Dwight D. Eisenhower

7.  “A man always has two reasons for what he does–a good one, and the real one.”

A. Wayne Gretzky

B. Dagwood Bumstead

C. J.P. Morgan

8. “When I was born I was so surprised I didn’t talk for a year and a half.”

A. Marcel Marceau

B. Gracie Allen

C. Spiro Agnew

9. “Play it once, Sam. For old times’ sake.”

A. Dustin Hoffman

B. Kirstie Alley

C. Ingrid Bergman

10. “School is about two parts ABCs to fifty parts ‘Where Do I Stand in the Great Pecking Order of Humankind.'”

A. Barbara Kingsolver

B. Barbara Boxer

C. Barbara Stanwyck


Answers: 1-B, 2-C , 3-A , 4-B , 5-A , 6-A , 7-C , 8-B , 9-C , 10-A

Scoring:               10–QQQQ = Quote-Master   

(number correct)        8-9–QQQ = Scholar                       

                                   6-7–QQ = Literate

                                  4-5–Q = Semi-Literate

                                 0-3–No Q = Quote-Dunce


 “Goodness does not more certainly make men happy than happiness makes them good.” – Walter Savage Landor

(Landor, 1775-1864, was an English writer and poet.)




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What’s Your QQ*? #342

*Quotation Quotient

  (Published October 13, 2013 in the Monterey County Herald.)

1. “To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.”

A. Franklin D. Roosevelt

B. Thomas Paine

C. Bill Murray

2. “I thank God for my handicaps. For through them, I have found myself, my work and my God.”

A. Helen Keller

B. Stephen Hawking

C. Larry Flynt

 3. “What light through yonder window breaks?/ It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.”

A. William Shakespeare

B. Margaret Thatcher

C. Galileo Galilei

4. “The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.”

A. Rudolph Hess

B. Frank Lloyd Wright

C. H.L. Mencken

5. “Nobody, as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life, is without trouble.”

A. Carl Jung

B. Humphrey Bogart

C. Dr. Drew Pinsky

6. “There is one thing about being President — nobody can tell you when to sit down.”

A. Mitt Romney

B. Thomas Jefferson

C. Dwight Eisenhower

7. “There is much to be said in favour of modern journalism. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.”

A. Scarlett Johansson

B. Oscar Wilde

C. Anderson Cooper

8. “Sickness is a belief, which must be annihilated by the divine Mind.”

A. Mary Baker Eddy

B. Tom Cruise

C. Dr. Oz

9. “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.”

A. Richard Simmons

B. John Kerry

C. Mark Twain

10. “We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.”

A. Jonathan Livingston Seagull

B. Jonathan Winters

C. Jonathan Swift


Answers: 1-B, 2-A , 3-A , 4-C , 5-A , 6-C , 7-B , 8-A , 9-C , 10-C

Scoring:               10–QQQQ = Quote-Master   

(number correct)        8-9–QQQ = Scholar                       

                                   6-7–QQ = Literate

                                  4-5–Q = Semi-Literate

                                 0-3–No Q = Quote-Dunce


“A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.” –

Edward W. Howe

 (Howe, 1853-1937, was an American author and editor.)


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What’s Your QQ*? #341

*Quotation Quotient

  (Published October 6, 2013 in the Monterey County Herald.)

1. “What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.”

A. Luther Burbank

B. Charles Dickens

C. Ralph Waldo Emerson

2. “The blindness in human beings… is the blindness with which we all are afflicted in regard to the feelings of creatures and people different from ourselves.”

A. William James

B. Jesse James

C. LeBron James

3. “Every thought I have imprisoned in expression I must free by my deeds.”

A. Hannibal Lecter

B. Kahlil Gibran

C. Harmon Killebrew

4. “An argument always leaves each party convinced that the other has a closed mind.”

A. Harry Reid

B. Dr. Ruth Westheimer

C. Laurence J. Peter

5. “History unfolds itself by strange and unpredictable paths. We have little control over the future and none at all over the past.”

A. H. G. Wells

B. Winston Churchill

C. Judy Garland

6. “The two biggest sellers in any bookstore are the cookbooks and the diet books. The cookbooks tell you how to prepare the food and the diet books tell you how not to eat any of it.”

A. Andy Rooney

B. Mickey Rooney

C. Art Rooney

7. “Do not go gentle into that good night,/ Old age should burn and rave at close of day;/ Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

A. Maya Angelou

B. Dylan Thomas

C. Jerry Garcia

8. “There are a thousand paths that have never been trodden – a thousand healths and hidden isles of life. Even now man and man’s earth are unexhausted and undiscovered.”

A. Friedrich Nietzsche

B. Justin Timberlake

C. Thomas Edison

9. “Do not think of knocking out another person’s brains because he differs in opinion from you. It would be as rational to knock yourself on the head because you differ from yourself ten years ago.”

A. Napoleon  Bonaparte

B. Chiang Kai-shek

C. Horace Mann

10. “There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.”

A. George Lucas

B. George Santayana

C. George Zimmerman


Answers: 1-C, 2-A , 3-B , 4-C , 5-B , 6-A , 7-B , 8-A , 9-C , 10-B

Scoring:               10–QQQQ = Quote-Master   

(number correct)        8-9–QQQ = Scholar                       

                                   6-7–QQ = Literate

                                  4-5–Q = Semi-Literate

                                 0-3–No Q = Quote-Dunce



“The soul has a taste for goodness, just as the body has an appetite for pleasure.” – Joseph Joubert

 (Joubert, 1754-1824, was a French philosopher and essayist.)



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